Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

These terms of use (the “Terms”) govern your use and access to our services, which includes our website(s), our mobile application(s), our application programming interfaces, notifications and all other information and content appearing therein (collectively our “Platform”).

  1. Services
    1. We are Sky Cover Technology Limited(collectively "we" or the "Company" ) and we own and operate the mobile application. The platform is developed by us and Bull.B Technology Limited. Our mobile application and online platform facilitates a brand new communication channel among schools, parents, and students. Parents and students are allowed to deal with school affairs and settle the payment through our mobile application.

    2. By using our application you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

    3. We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time without providing any prior notification. The amended terms and conditions are effective from the date they are published on our site. Your continued access and use of our site and our services shall represent your unconditional acceptance of the latest version of the terms and conditions.

    4. The meaning of some words used in these terms and conditions:
      1. “we”, “us” or “our” is a reference to (name of person or company providing the services).

      2. “you” or “your” is a reference to the person to whom we are providing the services or delivering goods and who is required to pay for the services or goods we delivered.

      3. “content” means all text, graphics, logos, icons, photographs, images, moving visual representational images or a combination of sounds and such images, audio, computer programs, and other material featured, displayed or used in or in relation to our site.

      4. “merchandise” means the goods or services you ordered through our site, which you will pay for.

      5. “Bill” means the record of goods or services you ordered through our site,which you will pay for.

      6. “supplier” means the goods or services provider through our site, which you will pay for.

      7. “intellectual property rights” means any and all patents, trade marks, rights in domain names, rights in designs, copyright and database rights (whether registered or not and any applications to register or rights to apply for registration of any of the foregoing), rights in confidential information and all other intellectual property rights of a similar or corresponding character which may subsist now or in the future in any part of the world.

      8. “services” has the meaning given in clause 1.1.

      9. “User Content” has the meaning given in clause 9.1.

  2. Registration
    1. In consideration of your use of our services, you agree to:
      1. provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself when filling out our registration form; and

      2. maintain and promptly update your registration information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that any information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your registration.

  3. Order
    1. Except where otherwise specified, we are not the seller or supplier of the merchandise. We are responsible for managing and administering the site, arranging order processing and fulfillment for the merchandise you ordered from the suppliers through our site.

    2. When you place an order you are making an offer to the supplier you have specified at the price.

    3. We reserve our right not to accept or cancel an order for any reason at our sole discretion, including without limitation:
      1. one or more of the merchandise you ordered was listed at an incorrect price due to a human or computer error or an error in the pricing information provided by the supplier.

  4. Price and Payment
    1. We will use all reasonable commercial endeavors to display accurate and up to date prices on our site or mobile application.

    2. We use third party payment service to process online transactions. When you place an order, you agree and accept that your information will be collected, processed, and kept by us and a payment service provider subject to its terms and conditions.

    3. You agree and accept that you are solely and exclusively responsible for any losses incurred or sustained by you in making transactions, and in no event shall any such losses in whole or in part be borne by us.

  5. Refund
    1. Unless otherwise specified, no refund of goods or service will be accepted. Please read the refund policy as specified by the supplier carefully before you place an order.

    2. Subject to the policy of individual supplier, goods or services may be refunded before payment deadline, provided that:
      1. the suppliers confirm the refund of payment in content management system(CMS); or

      2. You are allowed to adjust the order.

    3. You agree and accept that billing merchandise accepted for refund are only eligible for refund to account. No cash refund will be offered. The amount of the account can only be used for your next purchase of billing merchandise and restricted to retrieve.

    4. You agree and accept that you are solely and exclusively responsible for any losses incurred or sustained by you in refund, and in no event shall any such losses in whole or in part be borne by us.

    5. Once the bill is due, no refund of goods or services will be accepted in any circumstances.

  6. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
    1. We do not represent or warrant that access to our site (including using our applications or software), or any part of it, will be uninterrupted, reliable or fault-free.

    2. We do not represent or warrant to you that our site or any of its contents will be accurate, complete or reliable.

    3. We do not represent or warrant that:
      1. any services (whether or not provided by us) will be provided with due care and skill; or

      2. any goods (whether or not provided by us) will be of merchantable quality or will be fit for any purpose (even if that purpose has been previously notified to us).

    4. You agree that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst we strive to protect such information, we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us. Any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk.

    5. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability (whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise and whether or not due to our negligence) which we may otherwise have to you as a result of:
      1. any technical, factual, textual or typographical inaccuracies, errors or omissions on or relating to our site (including using our applications or software) or any information on our site;

      2. the unavailability of our site (or any part of it), goods or services;

      3. any delay in providing, or failure to provide or make available, merchandise or services, or any negligent provision of merchandise or services;

      4. any goods not being of merchantable quality or fit for their intended purpose; or

      5. any misrepresentation on or relating to our site, the goods or services.

    6. Save as required by law:
      1. we will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expenses, including loss of profits, business or goodwill, arising out of any problem you notify to us, and

      2. we will have no liability to pay any money to you by way of compensation except otherwise specified in these terms and conditions.

    7. You must observe and comply with all applicable regulations and legislation, including obtaining all necessary customs, import or other permits to purchase any merchandise from our site. We make no representation and accept no liability in respect of the export or import of the merchandise you purchase.

    8. You agree that each of these limitations is reasonable having regard to the nature of our site and in particular given that when you purchase merchandise through our site you will enter into a separate contract with the supplier in each case.

    9. None of the above exclusions shall affect any statutory rights which are not capable of being excluded. However, in such case our obligation, where permitted by law, will be limited to the resupply of our services or the goods to you.

    10. Each of the above exclusions or limitations shall be construed as a separate, and severable, provision of these terms and conditions.

  7. Warranties
    1. You represent, warrant and covenant that you will not:
      1. use our site for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose;

      2. use our site to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of others, including without limitation others' privacy rights or rights of publicity;

      3. interfere with or disrupt the operation of our site or the servers or networks used to make our site available; or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks;

      4. transmit or otherwise make available in connection with our site any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other computer code that is harmful or invasive or may or is intended to damage the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any hardware, software, or equipment;

      5. reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of, use of, or access to our site (including our applications or software);

      6. modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of our site (including our applications or software);

      7. frame or mirror any part of the site without our express prior written consent;

      8. create a database by systematically downloading and storing the Content, User Content or any site content; and

      9. infringe any copyright, design right and intellectual property right in the merchandise.

  8. Content
    1. The intellectual property rights in all Content are owned, controlled or licensed by or to us. Except for the rights granted to you under clause 8.2, nothing in these terms and conditions shall confer on you any right or interest in the Content and all other rights are reserved to us.

    2. Subject to these terms and conditions, you may use the Content for your own personal purposes.

    3. Unless you have our express written consent or you are expressly authorised by law to do so, you shall not:
      1. use the Content for any commercial or other non-personal purpose;

      2. make any copies of the Content or transfer the Content to any other device or any other person; or

      3. otherwise reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, modify, reformat, prepare derivative works of or display the Content.

    4. You acknowledge and agree that we may cease to supply any of the Content to you at our sole discretion if you are in breach of any of the terms of this clause.

    5. We shall use all reasonable commercial endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the Content but gives no warranties and makes no representations, express or implied, statutory or otherwise regarding the accuracy, quality or completeness of the Content or its fitness for any purpose and we exclude any liability relating to it. You also agree that responsibility for the content of advertisements appearing on our site rests solely with the advertisers. The placement of such advertisements does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by us of the advertisers’ products and each advertiser is solely responsible for any representations made in connection with its advertisement. We do not accept responsibility for loss suffered as a result of reliance by you upon the accuracy of the information contained on our site.

  9. User Generated Content
    1. When you submit any user generated content including all text, files, images, photos, sounds, videos or other materials to our site (“User Content”), you grant to us, a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable fully paid-up and royalty-free licence to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, publicly perform, modify, prepare derivative works of, display and otherwise use the User Content in connection with the site, including without limitation for the purposes of promoting and redistributing part or all of the site in any media formats and through any media channel. Without limitation, the rights that you grant to us under this clause 9.1 include a right to grant each user of the site a sub-licence to use the User Content to the extent permitted by the functionality of the site from time to time. You hereby waive, and procure that all other authors of the User Content waive, all moral rights in the User Content (including rights to be identified as the author of the User Content or to object to any derogatory treatment of the User Content), whether such rights subsist now or at any time in the future in any place in the world.

    2. You represent, warrant and covenant that:
      1. you have the legal right and authority to grant the licence in clause 9.1 above;

      2. you are the owner of the User Content and/or have all of the necessary rights, consents, permissions and licences which are required for you to grant us the licence in clause 9.1 above;

      3. by exercising the licence in clause 9.1 above, we shall not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party;

      4. to the extent that the User Content identifies any individual (whether by name, picture or otherwise), you have obtained all consents and permissions from those individuals which are required for us to use the User Content as contemplated by the licence in clause 9.1 above;

      5. the User Content does not include any material that may be illegal, defamatory, obscene, offensive, harmful to the safety of any person, aimed at harassing any person or otherwise is inappropriate for display on our site; and

      6. at our request, you will provide us with written copies of any consents, permissions and licences that you are required to obtain.

  10. Indemnity

    You agree to indemnify us and all of our directors, employees and contractors, and hold us harmless from any claim, loss, damage, cost, expense (including legal expenses) or other liability which may be incurred by us arising out of any breach of the covenants, warranties, representations and agreements herein.

  11. Linked Websites

    Certain links, including hypertext links, in our site will take you outside our site. Links are provided for your convenience and inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or approval by us of the linked site, its operator or its content. We are not responsible for the content of any websites outside our site.

  12. Termination
    1. We may terminate your access to our site or registration immediately if you are in breach of any of these terms and conditions.

    2. Any rights that have accrued to either party at the date of termination will remain enforceable after termination.

  13. Intellectual Property
    1. All intellectual property rights in the Content, User Content, design, text, graphics and other material on our site and the selection or arrangement thereof are owned, controlled or licensed by or to us. Any authorised used without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

    2. All trade marks, product names and company names or logos used in our site are our property or that of their respective owners. No permission is given by us in respect of the use of any such trade marks, get-up, product names, company names, logos or titles and such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights.

  14. General
    1. Where in these terms representations and warranties are made to us and to suppliers of merchandise through our site, you acknowledge and agree that such representations and warranties are intended to grant rights to, and operate for the benefit of, all such suppliers and that each such supplier may rely upon and enforce such representations and warranties against you.

    2. We reserve the right at any time without notice to revise the content of our site (including the services offered by us) and these terms and conditions. Any changes to these terms and conditions will be posted on our site and by continuing to use our site following any such change you will signify that you agree to be bound by the revised terms and conditions of use. This right includes the right to change any of the documentation which forms part of these terms and conditions.

    3. We take privacy issues seriously. Our privacy policy covers our use of any information you provide. In using our services, you agree that we may collect, store, and use information about you in accordance with our privacy policy. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our privacy policy.

    4. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to deny users access to our site or any part of our site without notice and to decline to provide our services to any user that is in breach of these terms and conditions.

    5. We shall not be liable to you for any breach of these terms and conditions of use or any failure to provide or delay in providing our services through our site resulting from any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control.

    6. If any clause hereof is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other clause and such invalid clause shall be deemed to be severed from these terms and conditions.

    7. We may assign these terms and conditions or appoint any third party, including our group companies, to provide the services to you on our behalf or to perform any of our obligations under these terms and conditions.

    8. You shall not assign or otherwise deal with its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions, whether in whole or in part without our written consent.

    9. These terms and conditions set forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions. Neither party shall be entitled to rely on any agreement, understanding or arrangement that is not expressly set forth in these terms and conditions.

    10. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in force in Hong Kong. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts.